Course Overview

Qualification Duration

This course is delivered over a period of 12-24 months.

Qualification AQF Level

Certificate III

Delivery Mode

This qualification is delivered using a face-to-face, classroom-based delivery mode.

This qualification prepares an individual for entry into the telecommunications industry and its convergent technologies, including radio, optical, data and internet protocol (IP) networks.

Qualification Detail

The successful completion of this qualification requires competency to be achieved in 16 units, consisting of six (6) core and ten (10) elective units. In consultation with each client, we develop a course to meet the course requirements and key learning outcomes for your business.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this qualification. Students who are colour blind may not be appropriate for this qualification. All participants must meet suitability criteria prior to course enrolment.

Units in this Qualification

Safety in Telecommunications
Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
ICTWHS204 Follow work health and safety and environmental policies and procedures Core
ICTTEN208 Use electrical skills when working with Telecommunications Networks Core

Open Registration

Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
ICTCBL246 Install, maintain and modify customer premises communications cabling: ACMA Restricted Rule 1 Core
ICTCBL247 Install, maintain and modify customer premises communications cabling: ACMA Restricted Rule 2 Core

Core Fundamentals

Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
ICTWOR301 Organise resources Core
ICTWOR308 Provide customer service to telecommunications customers Core
ICTTEN315 Determine and apply technologies within a telecommunications system Core
ICTTEN317 Locate, identify and rectify telecommunications network faults Core
IICTWOR202 Work effectively in telecommunications technology Core
ICTTEN202 Use hand and power tools Core

Combined Endorsements

Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
ICTCBL301 Install terminate and certify structured cabling installation Core
ICTCBL322 Install, test and terminate optical fibre cable on customer premises Core
ICTCBL303 Install and terminate coaxial cable Core

IP Networking

Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
ICTTEN207 Install and test internet protocol devices in convergence networks Core

Choose ONE option from

Option 1. Underground & Cabling

Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
ICTCBL334 Install underground enclosures and conduit Elective
ICTCBL329 Install underground cable for communications applications Elective

Option 2. Testing

Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
ICTCBL323 Test cables and systems on customer premises Elective
ICTBWN306 Use radio frequency measuring instruments Elective

Option 3. Aerial Cabling

Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
ICTCBL335 Construct aerial cable supports Elective
ICTCBL333 Install aerial cable for communications applications Elective

Option 4. Working at Heights

Unit Code Unit Name Core/Elective
ICTWHS201 Provide telecommunications services safely on roofs Elective
RIIWHS204D Work safely at heights Elective

Qualification Outcomes

  1. Alarm Installer
  2. Cabling Network Operator
  3. Telecommunications Network Operator


To check if you are eligible for Government Funding for this course CLICK HERE

To view the full course fees and funding options available CLICK HERE

Individuals and or employers may be eligible for Government funding. Integracom will be able to discuss with you the different funding available and cost of training.
The Student Tuition Fees as published are subject to change given individual circumstances at enrolment.

Download our resources for more information and a full list of units.


    We will contact you with all the information you need to apply.